It would be so helpful for my client couples and perspective clients to share with me how they found Shared Moments Video.
If you own a business you know how many different ways there are to market it. There are also a number of sales reps trying to steer you to their ad product.
I have tried just about every vehicle a business my size can try. Some have worked, others not so much. This is information that is critical to future growth. And by "growth" I mean not throwing any money away needlessly on an ad that no one sees.
It's probably something you don't think about. Even telling me "google" isn't that much help. There's dozens of searches that bring you to my website.
Here's an idea. If you provide me with concrete information on how you found out about me - even if it's word of mouth - I'll give you an extra DVD of your final product.
And please, be specific. It would be very helpful.